But it wasn’t just about sex last night, was it? Collectively, we learned something, and it wasn’t always easy to swallow. (Get it? Heh, heh …) It’s good to learn new things. It’s good to step outside our comfort zones. I think we all had moments of shock last night. We had moments of awkward discomfort. We also had moments of enlightenment, and that is what it’s all about.
The Ignite Phoenix After Hours crew would like to thank a handful of folks for a job well done and well appreciated.
FIRST: The presenters. We (literally) couldn’t do this show without you. We appreciate your amazing bravery for getting up on stage and putting yourself out there. We can’t thank you enough … and we hope to see you at IPAH #3!
SECOND: Thanks to our Ignite volunteers and crew. You don’t only move furniture; you give this event a name and a face. Your enthusiasm, patience, and passion keep Ignite going. We hope to continue inspiring our Valley of the Sun, but we could not do so without your support. Thank you. As always, you did a great job!
THIRD: The sponsors!!!
Evening Entertainment Group for hosting us at Radius Nightclub.
(And what wonderful hosts you were!)
Splinter Creative for the gorgeous programs.
(What would we do without your powers of design?)
Brand X for the t-shirts.
(You keep us lookin’ hot.)
Victor Moreno for the outstanding t-shirt design.
(We loved our t-shirts ahhhhhh!!)
IN CONCLUSION: Thank you, Valley of the Sun. Thank you for coming out and supporting Ignite Phoenix After Hours. We are here to inspire you. We hope we did our jobs last night. We also hope you will consider submitting presentations for an upcoming Ignite event. For more info about what’s next, check out http://ignitephoenix.com/.
Furthermore, if you have feedback on IPAH #2, we want to hear about it. Your preferences help us shape and mold future events, so if you do not speak, you will not be heard. Send comments to ignitephoenix@gmail.com. Please, let us know how we did … and we’ll see you at Ignite Phoenix 11.
Oh, and did I mention: THANK YOU, PHOENIX!!!!!