Last night was terrific. Scandalous? Sure. Educational? Of course. It all came together quite nicely, but it never would have happened without tons and tons of help. So we have a bunch of THANK YOU shout-outs to spread on the web this mornin’.
First, we gotta thank our brave, ballsy presenters who got up there and strutted their stuff. I still can’t believe some of what I heard, and my mind never would have been expanded without the speakers and their freaky slides. So hey, guys, thanks for putting yourselves out there for IPAH #1. We greatly, greatly appreciate you.
Secondly, thanks to our volunteers and crew. As we’ve learned from other Ignite Phoenix events, these things don’t just fall into place. There is a lot of behind the scenes hard work that has to happen for the show to go on … and the behind the scenes work happened in spades at the Myst Ballroom last night. Thank you, volunteers and IPAH crew: Jeff Moriarty, Michael Barber, Dannie Moriarty, Jana Knapp, Andy Woodward, Matthew Petro, and Sara Dobie. You rock.
We owe an artistic thank you to Mr. Andrew Courdek of Mezzomind for designing our super sexy IPAH t-shirts, which you probably were quite jealous of last night. Thanks, Andrew, for not being afraid to throw some bad words around—in a very devious, creative way!
In regards to the t-shirts, thank you to Brand X for their literal creation. Brand X is a constant support to the Ignite Phoenix program. We owe them a massive debt of gratitude for all they do for us. Without them, we wouldn’t look quite as awesome.
Thank you to our hosts for the night: the Evening Entertainment Group, including the friendly, helpful staff at Myst. You guys made us feel at home. You also kept us fed, gave us drinks, and let us talk about whatever we wanted. That is freedom; that is fun. Thanks, EEG. You made it possible.
Finally, thank you, Valley of the Sun. Thanks to all of you who showed up last night to support IPAH and its inaugural presenters. It’s because of your passion that we exist. Keep being passionate, Phoenix. And we’ll keep delivering.
In closing, I know you had fun last night. We all had fun last night. But we want your feedback. This is our very first Ignite Phoenix After Hours. What did you think? What did you FEEL? What would you never change, and what would you change immediately? We want your input! You are the audience. You matter! Send comments to Please, let us know how we did … and we’ll see you at Ignite Phoenix 9.
I loved it! I had a great time and I learned something too.
‘Twas a night of epic proportions. Minds — and other body parts — expanded, strengthened, and enlightened.
I cannot fucking wait for #2!
Ha. Glad you had so much fun! I’ve been using the phrase “dogf@#$er” as much as humanly possible 🙂